anitra m. elmore

writer + teacher + content creator

Anitra writes with a mission to amplify the truth of God’s Word and lead others to full and purpose-filled lives. Her writing and teaching are marked by a passion for practical discipleship and Christian education.  

"This is the fierce warrior from whom I want to learn! In this book, Anitra Elmore guides parents to intercede as fierce warriors for our kids (babies and grown!) as they face big obstacles. I’m so grateful to have this book in my parenting library!" --Amazon Reviewer

I'm Anitra, and I'm so glad you've taken a few moments to visit me here. I'm on the other side of these pages taking care of my family of four, finishing a jigsaw puzzle, drinking iced tea (unsweetened!), and praying about creative ways to share biblical truth with you. 

I create content at Orchard Scribe, on Instagram, and in books and e-books with the goal of helping you grow.  You'll discover I'm a fan of lowercase letters, posting pictures of my real life, and being my authentic self as I share that content. Check out my full bio for more.

Join my email list and let's explore what it means to abide in Jesus and embrace the life he offers.

writing highlights

Warring Together

The last six months of life have sucked. Can you use that word on a Christian blog? I hope you’re okay with it because I don’t know a more eloquent way to describe what I’ve experienced...

The Provision or the Provider? 

I have made answered prayer an idol. I’ve traded seeking the kingdom of God with seeking the things He said He would add, and I’ve desired answers more than the One who promised to answer...

When Your Prayers Aren't Being Answered

Oh, the frustration of unanswered prayer. I’m acutely familiar with the cries of, “Why, God?” “When, God?!” and “What is taking so long, God?” I’m also familiar with Him replying with silence...

Active Devotion to God's Word

A passionate commitment to the study of God’s Word will change your life. Choosing to actively devote yourself to reading, believing, and obeying His Word might be a challenge...